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NEW! Financial aid and scholarship guide Financial aid and scholarship information for students with all kinds of disabilities, one of the few comprehensive and simple-to-use directories of its kind.

HRTW National Resource Center Tools and Software

Adolescent Autonomy Checklist (Word Document) 

Summary of Progress : New Requirement of IDEA 2004 A summary of some of the most critical changes affecting children with disabilities and their families in IDEA 2004, concentrating on the IEP process, due process and the discipline provisions.

Transition Services in the IEP Presents information on the regulations and requirements for transition services and examines suggested transition components such as employment, postsecondary educational activities, independent living, eligibility for various adult services, and community participation.

NCSET Publications on Transition National Center on Secondary Education and Transition

Family Handbook on Future Planning A guide to help families develop a future plan for their child with cognitive, intellectual or developmental disabilities. Provides personal, financial and legal protections for these individuals after their parents either die or can no longer provide care or support. 

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights has issued a new pamphlet "Students with Disabilities: Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities."

Think College Searchable database of postsecondary education options, Helpful hints, More.

Transition: School to Work FAQ, Resources, Support

Helping At-Risk Youth Make the School-to-Work Transition ERIC Digest

Disability Issues in Postsecondary Education Syracuse University Center on Human Policy National Resource Center on Supported Living and Choice

Mental and Physical Disability Law American Bar Association Commission 

Financial aid for disabled students Scholarships and fellowships for students with disabilities.

SUCCEEDS Placement experiences for students with disabilities.

 The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Help For College Students With Disabilities This online pamphlet provides 19 websites concerning Section 504, planning and preparing for college, and keys to success in college. PDF File

Disability-Related Resources on the Internet Links

The National Disabled Students Union (NDSU) A nationwide, cross-disability, student organization concerned with civil rights. They work to ensure that all disabled students have the opportunities they need to learn, the opportunities they need to live and work, and the opportunities they need to be full participants in their communities and full members of American society.

HEATH Resource Center (American Council on Education) National clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. The Youthhood Web site is a dynamic, curriculum-based tool that can help young adults plan for life after high school.

Connecting to Success An electronic mentoring program, begun in 1999, designed to promote successful transition of youth with disabilities to adult life.

Disability Mentoring Day Disability Mentoring Day is a nationwide effort to promote career development for students with disabilities through hands-on career exploration.

Career Planning Begins with Assessment  A Guide for Professionals Serving Youth with Educational and Career Development Challenges

High School/High Tech Provides opportunities for students with all types of disabilities to explore exciting careers in science, mathematics, and technology.

The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities Publication from the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth is designed for youth and adults working with them to learn about disability disclosure.

Family Village Transition Information Many Links and Resources