Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments (IDEA) Signed into law (P.I. 105-17) on Wednesday, June 4, 1997
IDEA 2004 Resources US Department of Education; News and information on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), the nation's law that works to improve results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
What Does This Mean?
IDEA ALERT (Click Here) 2/23/04 Pending legislation in the U.S. Senate that will hurt students with disabilities.
Follow Up Report: Parents Rally in State Capitol March 23, 2004... A Great Success
Education Law Center
Education Law Center Website The Education Law Center's mission is to ensure access to a quality public education for all children in Pennsylvania.
Early Intervention Make Up Services Summary of the Key Provisions of the SEBASTIAN 1. Settlement Agreement
Health Law Project
Issues regarding Chip with special helth care needs.
What to do when you disagree with your HMO?
What can I do if i disagree with my HMO or one of it's providers?
Money available for families whose children lost SSI.
What to do when you're told the service or equipment isn't covered.1
Appeal Rights for consumers and families receiving Behavioral Health Services
Impartial Review for EPSDT Services: What Parents can do.
Definition of medical assistance coud affect wrap around services for children with Autism.